What factors should be addressed when choosing construction equipment?
Workplace Suitability: The equipment must meet the requirements of the job, as well as the climate and working conditions.
Equipment Dimensions:
The size of the equipment should be such that it can be used with other similar units.
If the equipment chosen is of a bigger size, it will be idle most of the time or will work on part loads, resulting in higher production costs.
On the other hand, if the equipment is smaller than desired, it will not be able to work with the matching equipment, forcing other equipment to sit idle or work on part loads, both of which are inefficient.
Previous Results:
If the equipment being purchased is new, it is a good idea to inquire about its performance from other users who are familiar with the make and model.

Requirements for Operation:
The equipment chosen should be simple to operate and maintain, appealing to the operator, and consume less fuel.
Equipment Reliability:
The equipment chosen for the job must be dependable.
Aspects of Economics:
When choosing equipment, keep in mind that the cost of unit output should be kept to a minimum.
Support for Services:
Service In the project area where the equipment will be deployed, assistance should be provided. After-sales service is a crucial criterion for equipment selection.
Projects to be used in the future:
When equipment only serves a portion of its useful life in a project, it is important to remember that the equipment can be reused in future projects and will not become obsolete.
Know-How Availability:
The equipment chosen should be able to be handled satisfactorily by the available operators. Although sophisticated equipment can provide excellent results, it can also be difficult to handle and maintain.
Equipment that can be used for a variety of purposes (versatility):
There are some types of equipment that are underutilized. As a result, if at all possible, they should be able to execute many functions, such as an excavator with a wheel loader bucket arrangement or rock breaker attachments.
It is preferable to have equipment of the same type and size in the project. It means fewer spare components reserve more interchangeability of parts if needed, is simple for operators to grasp, and mechanics will be able to maintain and repair equipment more effectively as they gain experience with similar equipment.
Spare Parts Availability:
When choosing a certain type or make of equipment, make sure that spare parts will be accessible at a fair price for the duration of the equipment’s service life. It should also be assured that equipment downtime due to a lack of spare parts is kept to a minimum.
Equipment Availability:
It is recommended that you purchase equipment that is readily available on the market. It should also be confirmed that the equipment has a good reputation and is likely to be made in the future. This is required for future standardization and spare parts availability. It is simple to dispose of such equipment once the project is over.
Source: https://www.ques10.com/p/21078/what-are-the-factors-to-be-considered-for-selectio/
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