Tips for Motor Graders on Basic Preventative Maintenance

Graders are employed on construction sites for heavy-duty labor, and their movable blades (moldboards) are the most vital component — also the most harmed by the machine’s operation. As a result, they require a little extra care and attention.

Motor graders benefit from routine maintenance to keep them running at their best in terms of power, efficiency, and safety. It also helps to reduce machine downtime, high repair and part replacement costs, and an excessively short lifespan — which, of course, means high heavy equipment replacement prices.

Examine this guide on motor grader preventative maintenance to ensure that operators and supervisors are aware of the procedures and can carry them out.

Taking Care of Motor Graders’ Preventive Maintenance

  • Check the operator’s manual for precise cleaning and maintenance instructions and make sure you follow them.
  • Also, follow the maintenance service appointment instructions in the manual.
  • Follow optimal procedures for fluid control.
  • To maintain fuel efficiency, check and clean the air filters as directed in the operator’s manual, and keep an eye out for the restricted alert; motor graders are subjected to the most filth of any heavy equipment, and their structure makes them particularly vulnerable to clogged air filters.
  • To preserve traction and the machine’s performance and productivity, keep an eye on the tire pressure and tread depth, making sure the tread is never less than 12 inches deep.
  • Complete a comprehensive pre-and post-operation inspection at all times.
  • Clean and lubricate the circle ring according to the operator’s manual’s directions.
  • Check all hoses and connections for wear, cracks, tears, and leaks on a regular basis and repair as needed.
  • Idle the engine for 5 minutes after the operation before shutting it off to reduce hydraulic pressure that could damage seals or hoses.
  • Every day, clean off any dirt or foreign matter that has accumulated.
